Ocampo has written about on the history of foreign relations of the Philippines including France, Japan, Mexico and Singapore. In addition, he has published monographs on other historical and cultural figures in Philippine history, including musical composer Nicanor Abelardo, historian Teodoro Agoncillo and Teodora Alonso, the mother of Rizal, amongst others. In 2001, he also co-authored an essay Grande Cuisine in the Philippines with Philippine food historian and academic Doreen Fernandez that was subsequently published on an issue of the British food academic journal Petits Propos Culinaires. Ocampo has also written on the history of Filipino cuisine that sprung from his undergraduate thesis Food in Pampango Culture published in 1989. He has also annotated the second edition of Rizal in Saga: A Life for Student Fans written by the late National Artist Nick Joaquin that includes newly uncovered research material collated by Ocampo and photographs from his private collection in 2021. Most of his published works have focused on the life and works of the Philippine nationalist and martyr, Jose Rizal with Rizal Without the Overcoat going into six editions since its first publication in 1990. Since 1986, Ocampo has published more than 50 books and other publications that have consisted of compilations of his various essays, and writings on Philippine history, arts, and culture. Apostol, Ocampo's Daily Globe column moved to the Philippine Daily Inquirer in 1990, where it appears twice weekly in the Opinion-Editorial page. At the invitation of Letty Jimenez Magsanoc and Eugenia D.
R heroes of the storm series#
His column Looking Back first appeared in the Philippine Daily Globe from 1987 to 1990, and compilations of these columns saw new life as his two bestselling books namely, the Looking Back series and Rizal Without the Overcoat that was awarded the National Book Award for essay in 1990. Ocampo began writing for Weekend Magazine, the Sunday supplement of the Philippine Daily Express in 1985 and subsequently joined its editorial staff as associate editor. Ocampo signing copies of his books during a book launch event in 2019.

He subsequently left the monastery in 1997.

He later abandoned his London postgraduate studies in 1993, when he entered the Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey as Benedictine monk under the monastic name Dom. He took graduate courses in the University of the Philippines Diliman and later read for a doctorate in Southeast Asian History at the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). His undergraduate thesis titled Food in Pampango Culture centered on Kapampangan cuisine, while his master thesis centered on his rediscovery of the unfinished novel of José Rizal, Makamisa during his term as a consultant to the National Library of the Philippines that was subsequently published as Makamisa: The Search for Rizal's Third Novel in 1992. He subsequently obtained his undergraduate and masteral degrees in Philippine Studies from the De La Salle University in 19. He received his primary and secondary education at the Basic Education Department of Ateneo de Manila University.