In this system DDOD enhanced the induction of hyperplastic nodules of the liver. The present results showed the early detection of the enhancing effect on induction of hyperplastic liver nodules by a system consisting of the following three procedures: 1) 2-FAA feeding, 2) administration of test chemicals, and 3) partial hepatectomy during administration of test chemicals. Administration of test chemicals except 2-FAA to partially hepatectomized rats did not induce hyperplastic nodules.

In groups treated similarly with the test chemicals but without partial hepatectomy, the numbers and total areas of hyperplastic nodules were significantly less than those in the experimental groups with partial hepatectomy. All experimental groups developed significantly greater numbers and total areas of hyperplastic nodules than did the controls.
The compounds were tested, and their concentrations (in ppm) in the diet were as follows: 1,000 polychlorinated biph enyls (PCB), 500 PCB, 500 PCB plus 70 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA) 500 PCB plus 500 ph enobarbital, 70 MCA, 500 ph enobarbital, 500 ph enobarbital plus 500 β-naphthoflavone, and 2,500 3 - (3,5 - dichloroph enyl) - 5, 5 - dimethyloxazollne - dione - 2,4 (DDOD). Partial hepatectomies were performed at the end of the third week of the experiment. The rats were fed a diet containing 200 ppm 2-FAA for 2 weeks and then given test chemicals for the following 8 weeks. They may not always work, but generosity and reasonableness and patience do on the whole seem best.The effects of inducers of liver microsomal enzymes on the induction of hyperplastic liver nodules by N-2-fluorenylacetamide (2-FAA) were studied in male F344 rats. It may be difficult when someone you are especially fond of, someone beautiful and charming, has been guilty of an indiscretion, but magnanimity produces wonders. We have had instances enough of boats abandoned to the winds and waves. Too much lenience can make a woman seem charmingly docile and trusting, but it can also make her seem somewhat wanting in substance. The man will feel guilty and with tactful guidance he will mend his ways.

She should be quiet and generous, and when something comes up that quite properly arouses her resentment she should make it known by delicate hints. He has his adventures-but if he has fond memories of their early days together, his and hers, she may be sure that she matters. It is very foolish for a woman to let a little dalliance upset her so much that she shows her resentment openly. The wounds will remain, with the woman and with the man, when there are crises such as I have described. When there are crises, incidents, a woman should try to overlook them, for better or for worse, and make the bond into something durable. The memory of her acts would still be there, and inevitably, sooner or later, it would be cause for rancor. Suppose the man had hunted her out and brought her back. “The bond between husband and wife is a strong one. Did the Buddha himself in all his compassion ever preach that one should simply ignore those who slander the Three Treasures? How in this sullied world of ours can those who are hard done by be expected to reciprocate in kind?” Some people are so good-natured that they can still care for those who despise them, but I myself find it very difficult. I am of the opinion that when you intentionally cause hurt to another, or indeed if you do ill through mere thoughtless behavior, you fully deserve to be censured in public.
As long as you are free from such faults, people will surely refrain from listening to tittle-tattle and will want to show you sympathy, if only for the sake of politeness. Those who end up contradicting themselves and those who disparage their companions are also carefully watched and listened to all the more.

But women who are too vain and act pretentiously, to the extent that they make others feel uncomfortable, will themselves become the object of attention and once that happens, people will find fault with whatever they say or do whether it be how they enter a room, how they sit down, how they stand up or how they take their leave. No matter how amorous or passionate you may be, as long as you are straightforward and refrain from causing others embarrassment, no one will mind. “ To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed: this is the basis of good taste and charm in a woman.